(taedon witztl doesn't live here anymore).

ted witzel // blog

a bunch of writings and thoughts on theatre:

some are articles i've written for other publications.

some are director’s notes from past work.

"postcards from berlin" is an exercise i invented for myself to digest a bunch of work i was seeing at the time.  

there was also that time i went to serbia to see a 24-hour meat orgy and ended up with a lot of facebook watching along with me.  

et cetera.

DRIFTWOOD COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS // with jani lauzon and deivan steele

in july 2020 i was invited by driftwood theatre to take part in a dialogue with the always-brilliant jani lauzon about the question of canon and how we can dismantle and disrupt our assumptions about what makes theatre “classical.”

clearly i don’t enjoy jani’s company at all.

COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS is a video series by Driftwood Theatre focused on exploring issues in Canadian theatre with the industry's artists and thinkers. New ...

COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS is a video series by Driftwood Theatre focused on exploring issues in Canadian theatre with the industry's artists and thinkers. New ...

COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS is a video series by Driftwood Theatre focused on exploring issues in Canadian theatre with the industry's artists and thinkers. New ...

COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS is a video series by Driftwood Theatre focused on exploring issues in Canadian theatre with the industry's artists and thinkers. New ...

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